14 Maret 201
Dear Joe
My Mum and my Dad said you can come over to my place and take over Herobine"s world.
Love, Joshua.
Jo adalah teman dari Kindy, sekarang mereka satu kelas di room 16, dan sealu bersama, mereka menjadi teman akrab. Di kelas , mereka selalu duduk bersebelahan, saat break pun makan sama sama.
Mummy ingat pertama kali Josh minta telephone ke Joe, Daddy bilang kami nggak punya no nya , nggak bisa phone, kecuali tau nama belakangnya , lantas cari di buku phone. Ternyataa Josh tau nama belakangnya, dan Josh pun bisa bicara dengan Jo.
Terjadi percakapan sore hari antara Josh dan Mummy :
M : Did you give the letter to Joe?
J : Yes I did. and Joe said " thanks Joshua...really appreciate it to you
M : oh good..really good.
oh Josh..your friend - a tall boy who always go home with Monroe, what is his name?
J : oh...it's Logan. Do you know, Mummy? Monroe is Jo 's girl friend
M : how do yo know?
J : Jo told me.
M : oh...then who is Joshua's girl friend?
J : I dont know...I have to find it first.
M : How abou Maxine? she is a nice girl.
J : wahahahaha wahahahaha ..Maxine? Okay then ahahaha.
Aduhh anak anak sekarang ya umur 7 tahun sudah ngerti girl friend boy friend ahahaha
Label: 7 tahun., Josh and Friends