Senin, 03 Maret 2014
Joshy Belagu :)
Jum'at 28 February 2014.
Picnik ke William Park bersama sekolah Bellevue School.
Saat lagi breakfast....
M: Josh did you have pee pee?
J : are not shouldnt say that word when I am eating, otherwise its taste yuck.
M : upss..sorry
J : pointed up his pointing finger left and right ).
Now my breakfast is a bit yuck.
M : belagu nih anakkk:)
Pulang sekolah dijemput mami n daddy..pas mo turun dari mobil, Josh rupanya masih ingat yg dia ajar mami tuk bohong ke daddy.
J : have to learn to lie, like mummy the other day. I asked Mummy to say No when you asked about me playing the game on the laptop..because I have been on the laptop for along time.
Yes Mummy? You lied to Daddy for me and Im proud of you.
M: No..Joshua...I dont want to lie..and I didnt lie to Daddy.
Lie is not good. If you tell the truth-God will be happy but if you lie-Satan will be happy.
J : Zatan...not Setan..why you always use Indonesian?
M : belagu luuu...dari bayi diajar ngomong..udah pinter ngomong mak nya di protes terus. Suka suka mami dong..lidah ..lidah gueeee. Hahaha.
Kalo mami dari kecil di NZ..atau sekolah brapa thn di NZ ya kgk mgkn kaleee suka salah ejaan wkwk..lha mami ke NZ kan udah mulai berumur..lidah udah kaku..trima keadaan aja kl logat nya Indonesia an. Zeitan jadi nya Setan atau Satan hihihihi
Label: 7 tahun.
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